
Bubble Baths for???

Taking a bubble bath is not only pleasant, but also useful. This water treatment perfectly cleanses the skin and prepares it for the application of nutrients, helps to relax, distract from everyday fuss and tune in to a positive wave. The benefits of using bath foam are provided by the herbal extracts, essential oils and other nutrients.

The main reasons for making a bubble bath are:

- the desire to pamper yourself after work, relieve fatigue and tension;
- the need of the skin for hydration and nutrition - they are provided by the useful components of the foam;
- the need to warm up and protect the body during colds;
- the ability to combine water treatments with a course of aromatherapy.

Types of bath foam

From what is needed bath foam in a particular case, its optimal composition depends. Such products come with a relaxing or invigorating effect, toning and moisturizing ingredients, a variety of essential oils, mineral salts, fruit and plant extracts. Main types of bath foam:

Fruit, berry

The composition of such products includes extracts of fruits or berries: pomegranate, grapefruit, cranberries, etc. They saturate the product with color and aroma, and also have a beneficial effect on the skin: refresh and strengthen it, improve blood circulation, promote the elimination of toxins.


Remedies with the scent of rose, lavender, peony and other flowers. In addition to the luxurious smell, they have a useful composition with natural oils and extracts of medicinal plants.


Means soothing and relaxing action. They contain essential oils of coniferous plants: pine, fir, juniper. Produce a tonic effect and help strengthen the immune system during colds.

Medicinal, herbal

Cosmetic products containing extracts of chamomile, linden, train and other medicinal plants. They have a beneficial effect on the skin and the whole body.


Products with a combination of essential oils, plant or fruit extracts and other beneficial ingredients. For example, the elixir for a bath with 24-carat gold contains pomegranate extract and the smallest particles of 24-carat gold.

In addition to the liquid bath foam, the original alternative of this product - oil bubbling balls or “bombs” is on sale. They contain sea salt, vegetable and essential oils. Sometimes the composition of such cosmetic products additionally includes the smallest particles of loofah, milk, coffee, plant extracts and other valuable components.

How to use bath foam?

Using such tools is very simple. Liquid foam needs to be typed in a cap and to substitute under a water stream. It is enough to dissolve the agent in the form of salt, milk for a bath or a bubbling ball in water. Its optimum temperature is 37–38 ° ะก. It is better to submerge in water gradually: first place the legs, then the back and the rest of the body. The duration of the procedure is 10–20 minutes.

The best time to take a foam bath is in the evening, before bedtime. After taking a bath, it is recommended to wet the skin with a soft towel and apply a means for further body care - cream, yogurt, milk, lotion or oil. When it is absorbed, it is best to lie down and rest, especially if you used a foam with a relaxing effect.

Contraindications for taking baths with foam

Foam bath should be abandoned to people with: 

cirrhosis of the liver;
severe angina or hypertension;
cardiovascular insufficiency;
oncological diseases.

These contraindications are relevant for taking any shared baths. In other cases, to exclude allergic reactions and other negative consequences, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. For example, people with disorders of the cardiovascular system are contraindicated in means of extract of mint or eucalyptus. If you are allergic to citrus oils or other ingredients, it is important to choose cosmetics without their content.

Bathing can be harmful if you use a poor quality product based on synthetic components or exceed the recommended water temperature.

Recommendations for choosing a foam bath

The choice depends on what bath foam is needed in your case. Cosmetic products of a calming and relaxing effect, for example, with lavender essential oil, cocoa, linden or chamomile extract, are optimally suited for the reception of evening water procedures. For the morning bathing are well suited means with citrus oils and other components of invigorating action.

When choosing cosmetic products, avoid offers with a suspiciously low price and questionable composition. It is better to give preference to more expensive and proven cosmetics on a natural basis, with valuable nutritional composition and aromatic oils instead of synthetic flavors.

Choose the best bubble bath from our collection here

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