
Living Room Decor: 10 Common Mistakes

In pursuit of beauty, people often neglect simple and obvious rules. We will tell you how to avoid mistakes when decorating a living room, and offer some fresh ideas.

There are many mistakes that people make when decorating and decorating a living room. These errors are so common that they have become a habit: we feel that something is wrong, but we cannot say what exactly, because we have seen this solution many times and for some reason no longer consider it wrong, although it unconsciously confuses us . We will show you how to recognize defects and avoid them.

1. The location of the paintings above the desired level

Many people tend to hang pictures too high - you have to lift your head. But this is not the worst mistake: sometimes the canvases in one room and even on one wall hang at different heights! What kind of aesthetics ...

It is worth remembering that for the harmonious placement of pictures you should always hang them a little lower than you want, and so that the imaginary line - approximately at eye level - passes through the center of the canvases (remember museums and art galleries). This advice also applies to plasma TVs and mirrors hanging on the walls. And of course, as in everything, moderation is important here: to fill the entire wall space with pictures or photos is a bad idea.

2. Incorrect lighting

Errors in illumination are usually of two types: it can be both a flaw and an excess of light, and the first option is much more common. There should be several sources of light in the room: besides natural light from windows, try using different types of luminaires - wall sconces, floor lamps, lamps on the table. Also do not forget about the elementary, but very important law of physics: dark furniture absorbs light, light, on the contrary, reflects.

3. Too much furniture

The living room is a place for rest, socializing and relaxing, and when it is arranged, it is necessary to observe the principle of simplicity. A minimum of harmoniously arranged furniture (for example, not the best solution, from the point of view of experienced designers, is furniture around the perimeter of the room, small zones of items grouped together are much better suited for spending time with family and friends) is a guarantee of your peace and comfort. In addition, the room will not look cluttered. Avoid massive objects: they crush and hide the feeling of comfort.

4. Monotony

Monotony is a common drawback of many living rooms, perhaps precisely because of its obviousness and simplicity. It may seem that a monochrome room is an unmistakable solution, but it is not. Furniture, accessories, walls, floor and ceiling of the same color and several shades of it, the lack of bright accents is boring. The living room becomes fresh and lifeless, like a picture from a cheap catalog. Feel free to choose several colors, and two of them are quite allowed to be contrasted.

5. Lack of space for your collection

If you collect books, records or toys, this is great, but you should not randomly fill the entire room with items of your passion. The best solution is to concentrate all the items of your collectible pride in one specially designated place for this purpose. It will turn out not too motley, neat and will help you not to waste time searching for the right book or record. To come up with an original shelf for the collection is also a very interesting activity.

6. Lack of carpet

This miscalculation is quite understandable: people believe that their brand new floors are beautiful in themselves and you should not hide this magnificence. But the carpet is a prerequisite for creating comfort, maintaining the color scheme of the room, and most importantly, carpets absorb unwanted sounds.

7. Bare windows

Each window should have curtains and curtains, or at least one of the two. Blinds do not count. The windows are, roughly speaking, just holes in the walls, and they need to be beaten somehow, softened. Remember that curtains and curtains should be combined with the style of the room, and their length depends on the height of the ceiling. And do not be afraid of the lack of sunlight: cotton and linen curtains well pass it. Make no mistake, thinking that without hanging curtains, you will make the room darker. But less comfortable - for sure.

8. Fear of dark and bright colors

It is very important not to confuse the fear of using bright colors with the desire to decorate the room in all the colors of the rainbow. It is not necessary to avoid bright colors, especially when it comes to individual objects: accents are an important element of decor. A bright chest of drawers or a pair of piercing red pillows will refresh the interior of the living room and will become its absolute highlight. Twenty percent brightness will be enough. The same applies to dark colors: a sense of proportion here - your main ally.

9. Mixing styles

Any room is a single whole consisting of elements interrelated in style. Even lovers of the so-called eclectic will agree with this. A pair of objects that openly do not fit the style - and the interior will look ridiculous, so try to stick to a single direction, be it modern, retro or country. This applies not only furniture and accessories, but also wallpaper, floor covering.

10. Unsuited accessories

With accessories it is easy to go to the extreme. Trying to maintain balance and striving for simplicity, some furnish their living rooms so strictly that they look uninhabitable. Others, on the contrary, overdo it: mountains of cushions, so much that there is no place to sit, statues, cluttering shelves, a lot of mirrors - all this tires the eyes. Try to leave only those accessories, plants and decorations that are in harmony with each other and the interior of the living room.

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